
Welcome to the most reasonably profane blog on this good earth.

Me casually throwing several hundred pennies into the air. Photo by Marshall Tidrick.

Me casually throwing several hundred pennies into the air. Photo by Marshall Tidrick.

I’m Cambria Sawyer, a Public Relations major at the best university in the world, and what you’ll find as you scroll through here is the story of my family as we learn to deal with, and even embrace my brother’s extremely severe case of Tourette Syndrome. Although you can choose any story to read that you please, I suggest that you begin with Chapter One or you may become very confused.

Reading this blog is not for the easily-offended. However many times you have experienced curse words in your life, I still win, I promise. I’ve been kicked out of restaurants, churches and movie theaters for the words that my brother does not have control over. So trust me when I say your ears, or eyes rather, will be ok.

While it is impossible to tell you this story accurately without the abundant usage of profanity, the journey you will read about is that of a family struggling against and ultimately finding the humor in the most severe form of Tourette’s, complete with boob punching. Yes, that’s right, my brother gets away with grabbing women’s breasts because he literally can’t help it.

Mom, Dad, my brother, Tucker, and my sister, Weatherly, attempting to take a nice family photo. This is about as close as it gets. Photo by Velma Wesloh.

Mom, Dad, my brother, Tucker, and my sister, Weatherly, and I attempting to take a nice family photo. This is about as close as it gets. Photo by Velma Wesloh.

It is an ongoing story, so I apologize in advance for not being able to deliver all the answers on what is still one of the world’s most misunderstood disorders. But my wish is that this journey gives hope to individuals struggling directly with Tourette’s, enlightens others on what this disorder truly is, and if nothing else, provides for a few good laughs.

Just remember that it’s okay to laugh. In fact, please do! Just make sure you’re learning about and gaining respect for an unfamiliar challenge and the group of people who must deal with it.

This is a story about spit, tolerance, hilarity, learning, family and most importantly, Xanax. Enjoy.